“Life Is Love” out

Since the seventies it is in use “furnishing” of sounds in the environments in which we live. Ilio Barontini and Francesco Digilio want to shake us from this torpor by investing ourselves with waves of emotions.

According to Francesco Digilio “Life is Love”.

With this poetic vision he has composed a sort of musical diary that contains the whole range of feelings and moods in a sample of atmospheres full of charm and charm. With his baggage of interpreter that has brought in the theaters a repertoire from Bach to the Beatles, Ilio Barontini has given a pianistic garb to the songs of Digilio, first improvising on his themes, then fixing on the pentagram sound textures fed by the sap of the classic-romantic tradition . This creative project stemmed from the encounter between the two musicians and their desire to work a synthesis of genres and styles to arrive at a new contemporary piano language. They have thus produced a short circuit between subjective musical experience and the historical-aesthetic values โ€‹โ€‹of the piano, giving the instrument a new voice that comforts, tells, involves and keeps always in touch with the sound of the soul.

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